Does the Library have SPSS?
The Library does not have SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).
Please visit the UD IT: SPSS Statistical Package page, or the UDeploy Software list for Statistics for information.
SPSS (PASW) is available for student drop-in use at these computing sites: 002 Smith Hall and 111/113 McDowell Hall. (For complete software list and computing site, click here.)
Sage Research Methods database contains several video tutorials on SPSS, Cases using SPSS, and datasets to practice using SPSS. Search the term SPSS then limit the results to the type of material you need (e.g., video tutorial).
The University has StatLab. StatLab provides easily accessible, high quality statistical consulting services to university graduate students, faculty, staff, and administration.
Answered By: Sabine Lanteri
Last Updated: Dec 18, 2020 Views: 473