Do I need permission from the library to publish its holdings?


Permission to consult or reproduce printed material or manuscripts does not constitute authorization to publish them. Please submit inquiries regarding permission to publish in writing or via AskSpec to be approved by a Special Collections librarian.

When sending a request, please submit an outline of the project or interest that prompts the request, including the publication type, author, title, publisher, publication date, and print run (volume/issue number, if applicable). Explain the intended use of the image(s) and, if applicable, location within publication (interior or cover) and whether or not Internet use is being requested. Specify the image being requested including all bibliographic information (e.g. manuscript collection number, title, box, and folder).

Granting permission to publish does not transfer copyright, and permission is granted only to the extent of the University of Delaware Library Special Collections' ownership of the rights related to the request. Certain works requested which are physically owned by Special Collections may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not owned by Special Collections.

The responsibility for determining whether any such intangible rights exist, for obtaining all necessary permissions, and for guarding against the infringement of those rights that may be held elsewhere, remains with the requester.

General information regarding copyright can be found here.

Answered by: Curtis Small
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2023 Views: 425