What is the reproduction policy for Special Collections materials?


The use of personal digital cameras in Special Collections is encouraged in lieu of placing photocopy requests. Requests for digital scans can be accommodated on a limited basis. Decisions about photocopies, digital photographs and scans will be made by a librarian.

Applications to reproduce Special Collections materials should be submitted through the "Application to Reproduce Special Collections Materials" form. Conditions of the individual documents and the size of the job will determine whether a request can be accepted. Patrons are limited to 200 pages/images per semester. Special Collections may scan items on demand for researchers in lieu of sharing physical items via interlibrary loan; at the discretion of the librarian, the resulting surrogates may be added to the Hathi Trust (a freely open, online digital library).

Users must agree to the following conditions:

  1. The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, USC) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Users are expected to follow copyright law and standard exceptions, such as fair use.
  1. User agrees to hold the University of Delaware, its agents, and employees harmless from any and all claims or liability of any kind arising out of or related to use of the protected material.
  1. Regarding material for which Special Collections owns copyright, any use of such material will be accompanied by a copyright notice, attribution to the named collection, acknowledgment of the photographer if applicable, and the credit line “[Title]. [Collection]. University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press.”
  1. With respect to materials in which copyright is held by an entity other than Special Collections when the copyright holder is known, user will obtain permission from the owner of the copyright to use the material and will comply with all requirements of the owner regarding notice.

For more information please see the section entitled "Reproducing and Photographing Special Collections Materials," found at the bottom of the Policies and Procedures page.

Permission to reproduce or to photograph materials does not imply permission to publish.

Answered by: Curtis Small
Last Updated: Oct 12, 2023 Views: 614