How do I request books or manuscripts that are in the Annex?


When the online catalog indicates that a Special Collections item is stored in our annex, use the Library Annex Request Form to request the item. The book or manuscript will then be delivered to the Special Collections Department. You will receive a notice that the requested materials have arrived. You should then contact Special Collections to make an appointment to come and view the item.

Library staff deliver Annex items to Special Collections several times a week. Items requested from the Annex will be delivered to Special Collections and available for pickup in three to five business days. Once retrieved, items will be held for the requester for twenty one days in Special Collections

Special Collections materials do not circulate and must be used in the Special Collections reading room. This includes Special Collections materials that come from the Annex. Please consult the page Visiting and Services to find out about visiting the Reading Room.

Answered by: Curtis Small
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025 Views: 521