Can I use a dropbox to save or share my files?
Can I use a dropbox to save or share my files?
Yes, and there are other alternatives as well. For those creating video and other multimedia projects, borrowing a hard drive from the Student Multimedia Design Center service desk may be the best option. Hard drives may be borrowed for three days with a UD ONEcard and renewed twice.
Members of the UD community can use the UD Dropbox to drop off files for others within and outside the University of Delaware. By logging in, University users have two ways in which a user can dropoff multiple files at once:
- Attach each file individually on the dropoff page
- Archive and compress the files into a single package and attach the resulting archive file on the dropoff page. There are many ways to archive and compress files:
- Mac users can select the files in the Finder and Create an archive (see the File menu)
- Windows users can use WinZip
- Linux/Mac/Unix users, give the tar utility a try
The recipient has 21 days to pick-up the files. Each night, drop-offs that are older than 21 days are purged from the system.
UD students, faculty and staff may also want to consider use of a google drive to store multimedia files. Google drives are good for storage but not well-suited for editing multimedia.
Answered by: Jess Barth
Last Updated: Jun 07, 2021 Views: 239