"Available in the Morris Library"
If you receive this cancellation message, DELCAT Discovery indicates that this item is on the shelf in the Morris Library and a retrieval request has been forwarded to the Help Center. Help Center staff will pull the item and place it on hold for you. You will be notified when the item is ready for pickup.
Microforms available in Morris Library cannot be placed on hold, so if you receive this cancellation message in response to a microform request, please visit the Microforms room on the lower level of Morris Library to locate and use the requested material. Student Multimedia Design Center staff are available to help during their hours of operation.
Interlibrary Loan requests will not be processed for items available through Course Reserves. If you are enrolled in a course for which an item is on reserve, your request will be canceled. You will need to consult the copy on reserve at the Morris Library Help Center.