How do I check the status of my ILL request?


Active requests, such as electronically received articles, items checked out to you, and requests for which CSD is still trying to secure a lender, will appear on the home page of your ILL account. Navigate to the History dropdown menu at the top of the screen to view a list of All Requests, Cancelled Requests, Completed Requests, and your Notification History.

Common request statuses include:

Check your DELCAT account: Your request is either on hold for you at the Help Center in Morris Library or has already been checked out to you. Log into your DELCAT account for details.

Awaiting Request Processing: Your request is awaiting processing by CSD staff.  We will search for potential lending libraries and send the request to them.

Cancelled by ILL Staff: This request was cancelled, and you should have received an email notification with a reason for the cancellation. To view the cancellation notification, go to the History dropdown menu at the top of the screen and select "Notification History."

Delivered to Web: The requested document has been posted to your account for download or viewing.

Request Sent to Potential Lending Libraries: The request has been sent to potential lending libraries, and the CSD Office is waiting for a reply.

Request Finished: This request is no longer active; it has either been fulfilled or cancelled.

For additional information about the status of your requests, please contact the CSD Office.


Answered by: Megan Gaffney
Last Updated: Jun 16, 2023 Views: 510

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