I'm not a student or an instructor at the University of Delaware, but I would like to check out one of your videos. Is there a way to do that?


The University of Delaware Film & Video Collection materials only circulate out of the Library to current UD students, staff, and instructors.  (Some materials are restricted to in-building use to some or all users.)  If you have purchased a Public Borrower's Card, you may view available items from our Collection on site in our audiovisual viewing carrels.  These are located on the Lower Level of Morris Library, and available when the Student Multimedia Design Center is open.

If you are not affiliated with the University, you may wish to place an interlibrary loan request for the title(s) you need via your home library.  We do often loan select Film & Video Collection items to other libraries for their patrons to use.  Additionally, there may be other libraries that can loan the same title to your lending institution; your Library will determine how they can get the title you need to you as quickly as possible.

Answered by: Meghann Matwichuk
Last Updated: Sep 22, 2023 Views: 398