Individual FAQ box

A book on my account has been recalled but I still need it for awhile. Can I hold onto it? If not, why not?


The book still needs to be returned by the recall due date. Recalls are used by research libraries to provide equitable access to materials. Borrowers are assured use of materials for 14 days, but after two weeks have passed other borrowers can place recalls that shorten the original loan period. Books recalled for Course Reserve are rushed to serve course requirements; they are due immediately and do not receive a minimum 14 day loan period.

Information about this policy is available on the Library’s web site at:​

Once you have returned the item, you may place a recall on it and you will be notified when the item is again available for you to pick up at the Morris Library Circulation and Reserve Desk.

Answered by: Derek Dolby
Last Updated: Jul 28, 2020 Views: 363

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